
Psychotherapy & Counselling

Understand the unconscious forces that can play a role in current behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.

Five Reasons to do Therapy:

- An entire hour to talk about whatever you want in a guilt free and zero distraction safe space. The focus is only on yourself.

- You get that magical light feeling of leaving a therapy session lighter than air.

- Friends are amazing, but in therapy you won't hear statements like “Well, that happened to me and I did X, Y and Z".

- You learn new things about yourself and how to develop insight and coping skills.

- A safe space to be who you are.

Still Unsure?

- Do you feel that there is more to life and to you than meets the eye, and you’d like to go deeper in finding what ‘lies beyond’
- Do you have a sense that all things are interconnected, that you are part of a bigger whole?- - - Would you like to be more connected to others and to feel more of a sense of purpose?
- Do you want to understand better yourself and your environment?
- Would you like to increase your awareness about your strengths and limitations?
- Would you like to develop supportive nurturing attitudes and behaviours towards yourself and others?

My Background:

I've started my BSc in Psychology at the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in Brazil, and conclude it with GAP, in London. I've done my Clinical Practice in Psychodynamic Therapy at SAP (Society of Analytical Psychology) and I am currently doing an MSc in Spirituality, Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology at The Liverpool John Moores University along with a Clinical Jungian Practice Training with the Jungian Institute in Lisbon (Thanks Covid!).

Arrange a Free Initial Consultation to discuss your needs and how could you benefit from Therapy.

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